Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day Five on The Plan - Rye Test

I lost 2.2 lbs.  I'm now down 7.4 lbs in four days.  I had more energy yesterday.  I loved my cheese.  I chose a goat cheese from Span called "Cana de cabra Mitica" and enjoyed every bite. For chocolate I ate "Newman's Own Organics"  dark chocolate with 54% cacao.

Since Tuesday, I've been taking probiotics to offset the antibiotics in an attempt to avoid yeast overgrowth.  Yesterday  I opted to have chocolate over wine, however, when I woke up this morning my tongue looked white.  Today I completed my antibiotics so hopefully I'll recover by next week.

Today's Plan

After I wake up:
  • Weigh myself
  • Drink 16oz of water with lemon
  • Take my liver supplement
Breakfast - The book recommends 1 cup of flax granola with ½ cup blueberries, ½ an apple or ½ a pear, however, as I mentioned in my posts I ran out of granola so I am replacing it with the compote.  

  • Arugula with carrots and 1 ounce of goat cheese
  • Spicy vegetarian soup
  • Chicken with spicy apricot glaze (page 4)
  • Sauteed zucchini with onion and basil, orange oil (page 5) and 2 tablespoons grated manchego
  • Beet and carrot salad with sunflower seeds 
  • 1 rye cracker with 2 tablespoons of raw almond butter and ½ an apple
  • 1 ounce dark chocolate or cinnamon poached fruit (page 50) with whipped cream


Sue said...

I'll be doing this tomorrow. I'm desperately hoping I pass todays' cheese test so I can have the manchego tomorrow. :-)

Jenna said...

I am doing this one tomorrow, too. I will be avoiding the basil part of the saute, though. I've been reactive to it before and don't want any confusion with the manchego. :)