Friday, January 25, 2013

Day Three on the Plan

I lost 2lbs.  :)  I'm now down a total of 3.8 lbs.  I was fatigued, achy gassy, bloating and miserable yesterday.  The bloating felt more pronounced after i ate lunch.  I'm not sure if this is a reaction to the food, my body cleansing its self, I'm sick or a combination of both.  I think the broccoli is making me gassy and I'll test it in the testing phase.

There are two items I didn't eat yesterday. I didn't add the avocado to my salad and I didn't eat the pear for a snack.  I did eat the almonds because I wanted to make sure I didn't skip that food test.  For a second day I couldn't drink all the water before 7:30.

I have to change up my breakfast for today.  Two weeks ago, I ordered the Fruit & Berry Flax Granola from Columbia Country Bread , however, they are slammed with orders and I wont have it till next week.  Since I didn't think it would take so long I only made two days worth from scratch last weekend.  I thought I was going to have to make a batch yesterday, however, I found a substitute that I had all the ingredients for on Lyn Genet's website under "Tips for Book Readers".  The tips page says that if you want to switch out breakfast to try the Blueberry Pear Compete.   I'm not sure you are suppose to do it during the cleanse phase, however,  I'm too sick to go shopping for whole flax seeds and then come home and cook it.  This recipe was very easy to make, chop up two fruits, add spice, boil in coconut milk, stir in chia seed let chill for 4 hours.  Its easier than pudding from a box.

I really like how each day, or every other day, on The Plan introduces a new food.  The last time I dieted was in 2011.  During that diet I would frequently think about the foods i would eat in the future.  The way "The Plan" is laid out I now look forward to the following day.  On Day One I looked forward to eating rice and on Day Two I found myself excited that there is chicken on Day Three. On Day four there is cheese - nom nom nom.  I love me some cheese.

Today's Plan

After I wake up:
  • Weigh myself
  • Drink 16oz of water with lemon
  • Take my liver supplement
  • Baby romaine lettuce with 1/4 avocado, pumpkin seeds and carrots
  • Spicy Vegetarian Soup and a half a cup of low salt chick peas
  • 10-12 raw almonds
Chicken with Italian Herbs and Orange Zest Recipe
Sprinkle chicken breast with dried italian herbs and 1 Tablespoon of grated orange zest and bake in a 350 oven for 20-30 min, depending on the size of the breast (less for 2-3oz portion size).

This recipe wasn't in the online cookbook so I added it here.  The portion sizes are 4-6 for a woman and 6-8 for a man.


Sue said...

I can't get all that flax down, but the nutritionist at The Plan told me that it's my primary source of protein - 40 grams in one cup!. So I'm trying. I'm tempted to make that compote now.

On Day 3, I just didn't feel like making the chicken the way they said. So I cubed it, sauteed in a pan and added coco sauce and kale - it came out like a curry. It was amazing. I really love that coco sauce. I added some of it to that boring carrot ginger soup, too. Much better!

Ren said...

After two low sodium days and no animal protein the chicken is delicious.

Unknown said...

Holy crap that spicy coco sauce is delicious! No joke I could seriously eat it on everything!

Unknown said...

did you ever figure out the broccoli? after trying this cleanse a few times i don’t react well to broccoli or kale and i have no idea of a good substitute. curious if anyone else has had this problem