Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day Four on The Plan - Cheese Test

I lost 1.4 lbs.  Total weight loss 5.2 lbs.  I had no energy yesterday and I was incredibly emotional. I wasn't hungry and I'm very pleased with the results.

Yesterday, I enjoyed breakfast, the chia seeds gave it a tapioca pudding consistency.  I wasn't in the mood for the soup  so I stuck to the salad and added the chick peas to make sure I got enough protein 

I'm not a big fan of chicken, especially white meat, but I enjoyed it even without any salt.  I let the chicken marinate for 30 minutes in the orange zest and Italian herbs.  I've noticed palette is more sensitive to flavors and that I can go with out any salt.

Whole foods, Trader Joes, and Safeway didn't have arugula so I'm going to use baby romaine lettuce instead.

Today is my first day of testing and I am going to drink all my water!

Today's Plan
As of today I can also start having a cup of coffee and a glass of red wine.

After I wake up:
  • Weigh myself
  • Drink 16oz of water with lemon
  • Take my liver supplement
Breakfast - The book recommends 1 cup of flax granola with ½ cup blueberries, ½ an apple or ½ a pear, however, as I mentioned in my posts I ran out of granola so I am replacing it with the compote.

  • 1 cup roasted italian winter vegetables (page 33) on a bed of spinach with pumpkin seeds and 1 ounce of goat cheese
  • Carrots with 6 tablespoons of homemade hummus or 2 tablespoons of raw almond butter.
  • 1 ounce dark chocolate or cinnamon poached fruit (page 50) with whipped cream
After each day's menu the book, "The Plan" by Lyn-Genet Recitas, gives you more information on some of the foods you are eating for that day.  These sections are referred to as "The Inside Scoop on Day ..." and have lots of additional information you should read. Day four coverts coffee, wine, cheese, chocolate, and yeast.  I've covered the highlights here.

  • Only drink it in the morning
  • Choose a dark roast
  • No decaf
  • Sweeten with sugar, agave or honey.
  • No artificial sweeter
  • Don't use milk until its been tested.  Instead use half and half, coconut milk or rice milk

Don't drink white because it is more acidic. If its something you really like you can test it later on.  If the only reason you aren't drinking the wine is because you want to lose more weight then don't.  The book suggests that if you love wine then you will lose more with the wine than with out.  Portion size is confusing to me.  The only reference to it was the first sentence that says "A glass of wine is a wonderful way to ....".  No where does it say to only drink one glass of wine.  

  • Eat dark chocolate less than 65% cacao
  • If you want nuts stick to already tested nuts (as of day four that would be almonds)

Test your tongue in the morning and if it looks white start a probiotic along with MSM.  Avoid wine and vinegar OR chocolate, not both.

1 comment:

Sue said...

I'm finishing up Day 4 now. I was down 4.8 pounds as of this morning.

I couldn't find raw almond butter so I had to make some - it was worth it, though. Its really good. I also made the hummus. It's tasty, but the texture isn't exactly right without the tahini.

I'm on the Winter Thyroid menu, so I had chicken with Apple Bourbon sauce - another winner. I'll have the wine before bed.