Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day Fifteen - No Test

Yesterday I lost 1.6 lb, bring my weight loss to 13.5lbs.

I woke up sick so after I weighed myself I went back to bed.  I woke up again at 3:30pm feeling great.  I drank a liter of water and then waited 30 minutes to eat something.  I had the plan breakfast, skipped lunch and ate a late dinner of plan approved ingredients.  I was so hungry at dinner so I had second piece of chicken.  I was out of chocolate so I walked to A&P and got a bag of Assorted Lindt Dark Chocolate Truffles.  I had one of each flavor (dark, extra dark, and cafe.). YUM!

I veered away from the book yesterday so here are the highlights.

  • For breakfast (one of the below - not both)
    • Smoothie with chia seeds, rye cracker, and nut butter
    • Flax granola and an approved fruit.
  • For lunch (one of the below - not both)
    • Slice of white bread with leftover zucchini, cheese, and sun flower seeds.  Mixed greens and an approved soup
    • Approved salad with a minimum of 15 grams of vegetarian protein and an approved soup
  • Carrots with 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw almond butter
  • Diner is chicken with Indian spice rub, sauteed kale with vegetables, and steamed broccoli with lemon and lemon oil.
  • Dessert as always is 1 ounce of dark chocolate or cinnamon poached fruit with whipping cream.

Here is what I ate for the day:

  • Smoothie with  rye crackers, and roasted almond butter
  • 2 pan roasted chicken thighs
  • Roasted Carrots
  • Sauteed winter Squash, Zucchini, onions, garlic, and fresh basil
  • 1.3 ounces of Lindt dark chocolate truffles (3 balls)


Unknown said...

I'm on The Plan too! Day 5 for me. I'm glad I found your blog bc I started my own bc I couldnt find enough info/support elsewhere. I'm new to blogging, and your site is great. Thx!

Ren said...

Good Luck Paige. I agree there isn't enough online support and I found the book confusing.