

This is a collection of recipes I adapted from the book "The Plan" by Lyn-Genet Recitas.


Flax Granola - Phase 1-3


Unknown said...

I've been on the Plan since Jan 2013 and I see you refer to "phases", can you tell me what you mean by phases 1-3? I have the book and have never seen her reference this. I am trying to get under control after being off the plan for a couple months (lost 15lbs, gained it all back) and I am finding the food to be incredibly boring and time consuming to prepare this go around. Would love some thoughts on this.

Anonymous said...

I agree! I gained all my weight back after losing down to my goal weight. This time around, I cannot, CANNOT get through a day on The Plan! And every day I'm more determined than ever. I have no idea how I made it through before...

I believe she is referring to PHASE ONE as the cleanse, PHASE TWO as the testing phase (days 1-20) and PHASE THREE as the ongoing lifelong maintenance plan:)

Helen said...

I am currently on the test phase (day 5) after doing this a year ago using a consultant. Then I plateaued from day one and was quite confused at the end by which foods I could and couldn't eat only losing about 6lbs and gaining all back. Decided to give it another go after purchasing the book which explained everything in more detail. I'm retired, my husband is on a long trip so only focusing on myself is a big help. I try to simplify the menus. I oven bake a whole breast, cut off the portion I need and on another night steam to reheat which keeps the meat moist. I think sauces are interchangeable. Last night when it called for mango salsa - instead I just diced some fresh mango and it was great. I also didn't have brocolli so substituted zuchini. I do love to cook which is a bonus. I just figure you have to drink all that water so you might as well keep yourself busy in the kitchen. I'm down a pound a day which is great encouragement.

Misty said...

I am finding the plan very hard to follow too. A friend raved about it so I started it. I lost 6# in 4 days, felt better than ever and then violently threw up all the flax I had just eaten. It took about a week to recover from that. I wasn't following the plan strictly but I didn't gain any back. so, after about 2 weeks I decided to start over and give it the old college try. I can NOT make myself eat that carrot soup. I couldn't make myself eat the broccoli either. Just nothing tastes good. I am adapting it some with some good success. Its a little confusing when you get stuck as to what you reacted to. there is a test you can take if you go to a Registered Dietician. Its a blood test, but it can tell you exactly what your body reacts to without all the diet testing. Its a bit expensive though. My RD friend just told me its $350 from her office. If I can wrestle that money from my husband's tight little fist, I'm doing it!! :)

katjac said...

I don't like kale, can I substitute spinach?